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Frequently Asked Questions

What is KYEOP?

KYEOP is an acronym for Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project. This is a KES 15 billion  national project funded by the World bank and the Kenyan Government that is designed to equip young people between the age of 18 to 29 with Life Skills Training, Core Business Skills Training,  internship opportunities or work experience and support for businesses  that would enhance their capacity to secure sustainable livelihoods.

What does KYEOP offer to the youth?
  1. Training and Work Experience
  • Life Skills
  • Core Business Skills
  • Sector-specific skills
  • On the job training (apprenticeship and internships)
  1. Provision of Grants
  • Provide startup capital
  • Provide Business Development Services
  1. Access to Labor Market Information System
  2. Access to government procurement services
What does one need to apply (Eligibility)?

A)  Training & Work Experience

  • Be a youth aged between 18-29
  • Have education level of up to form four or below
  • Not currently employed
  • Not currently enrolled in school or planning to join in the next 8 months

B)  Grants

  • Be a youth aged between 18-29
  • Have education level of up to form four or below
  • Not currently employed
  • Not currently enrolled in school or planning to join in the next 8 months
Why 18-29 years age limit for applicants interested in the Training and Internship program?

This is because in Kenya, the age group of 18-29 has double the rate of unemployment compared to other age groups.

Why and how were the Counties selected for each Cycle?

The selection of Counties was done based on population density, poverty levels, rural-urban mix, demographics of the population, presence of implementing agencies, and opportunities for youth to access entrepreneurship and job opportunities.

What value do the youth get from the project?

Youth that successfully complete the training and internship / work experience program will have enhanced their capacity to:

  • Increase earnings
  • Enhance wealth creation
  • Be employable
  • Be marketable
  • Have the ability to run businesses profitably
  • Increase staying power
  • Be part of the formal financial sector
How do I access the services?
  1. Youth that are interested to participate in the Project will be notified as follows:
  • A Call for Youth advertisement will be placed on a national newspaper/s.
  • A copy of the advertisement and other updates will be placed on the KYEOP website.
  • Advertisement will be aired on selected radio stations.
  • Youth Field Officers of the Ministry of Public Service, Youth, and Gender Affairs at Sub-County level will visit various areas within the County to sensitize the youth about the Call for Youth and assist interested individuals to fill out the forms and submit them online.

2. To be eligible for selection, applicants will have to submit their application forms online and ensure that:

  • They are between 18 to 29 years of age.
  • They have an ID.
  • They have Form 4 education and below.
  • They are not currently employed.

3. A computerized randomization process will be used to pick / select successful applicants from the pool of applications that have been received by the last day of application process.

4. The youth that will have been successfully picked / selected through the randomization process will be notified of the results.

Are there any rules on class attendance?
  1. Students are required to attend not less than 80% of classes.
  2. Students that may have an issue that could interfere with class attendance should at the earliest time contact the head of the respective training center and/or the Youth Development Officer for guidance.
How can I access information about the project and recruitment?

Information about the project can be accessed through any of the following channels:

Which Counties are implementing the project?

Bungoma, Kakamega, Kiambu, Kilifi, Kisii, Kisumu, Kitui, Machakos, Mandera, Migori, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Turkana and Wajir