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Improving Youth Employability

Improving Youth Employability

This component aims at providing targeted youth with training and work experience in the private sector with the goal of improving youth employment outcomes, it is jointly implemented by the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs (MIIYA) and National Industrial Training Authority (NITA).

Life Skills

Life Skills

Business Skills

Business Skills

Internship at a company

Internship at a company

Apprenticeship with a Master Craftsman

Apprenticeship with a Master Craftsman

Life Skills Training

All Training and Internship beneficiaries start the project by undergoing Life Skills Training (LST) which is focused coaching intended to equip beneficiaries with adaptive and positive behavior that will enable them to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. LST is immediately by Core Business Skills Training (CBST).

Core Business Skills Training

Core Business Skills Training (CBST) equips youth beneficiaries with the entrepreneurial insight, financial foresight and management skills required to start and expand businesses successfully.

LST and CBST both last for two weeks each.

Training with a Formal Training Provider (FTP)

This sub-component provides targeted beneficiaries with two months of classroom training to learn about the sector and three months of internship in a firm to apply the classroom training in a practical environment.

Examples of courses offered under classroom training and internship:  Baking, Fashion, and Design, Electrical installation, Beauty Therapy, etc. For info go to Trade Areas.

Apprenticeship with a Master Craftsman

This sub-component provides targeted beneficiaries with five months of on-the-job training offered through an apprenticeship with a master craftsman who offers both training and an internship.

Examples of trades during apprenticeship include Welding and Metal Fabrication, Hairdressing,   Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Photography, etc. Check the Trade Areas page for the full list of apprenticeship areas under a master craftsman.



Youth have successfully completed training



Training and Internship beneficiaries are currently employed

Implementing Partners

National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

Director General, NITA

Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9

Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488


Hotline: +254-753-244676


The Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs

Telposta Towers, Kenyatta Ave. Koinange Street

P.O. Box 34303 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: (+254) 020 4920000 / 1

